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Islam has enjoined its followers to practice principle of moderation in every walk of life. This policy of moderation helps Muslims to avoid extremes in all circumstances. In economic system of Islam, Muslims are suggested the principle of moderation in expenditure of money and earning of wealth. The believers should be neither too spend all their times so as to greedy for wealth and utilize energies for obtaining it through all illegal or all legal means. They should not be too lethargic and lazy to earn wealth through lawful methods for their lawful requirements.

Likewise, they should be neither too they should be too overgenerous to squander wealth on luxuries, illegal, immoral acts nor miser in spending wealth for their requirements and needs of the deprived people around them. Rather they should take middle course in making wealth by lawful methods and in spending wealth on their requirements and needs of the needy people in the way of Allah Almighty. Likewise, in the accomplishment of religious obligation like in Hajj one must use moderate Islamic Pilgrimage Services, and try to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Moderation is the best plan in the vision of Islam.Islam shows us to be moderate and stable in all aspects of life, whether it is religion, relationships, worship, ideas, daily actions. Principled moderation is one of the important characteristics of good human character in Islam. It is the focus point between two extremes. Every one of our qualities sits at the modest center of two vices that stray from it. Moderation is strictly related to justice and balance as justice suggests balancing duties and rights and setting everything in its fair place.

Moderation is a complete principle in Islam that directs a Muslim in all actions of his or her daily life. It is the avoidance of any kind of extremism pleasing to Evil that leads us off track from the straight track. With a renewed understanding of this Islamic education, Muslims can help counter the many increasing tides of extremism that jeopardize not only the Muslim community, but all humankind.